This is how we supports UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

Qubiqa’s Corporate Social Responsibility-strategy and concrete Corporate Social Responsibility-initiatives have directly supported at least these six global goals:

We support the UN Global Goals, and we have arranged our CSR objectives and activities to contribute to this agenda in the best possible way. Where possible and feasible, we incorporate the goals into our business activities. In supplement to impacting Qubiqa'sown performance, our efforts, and established results within these four SDGs in particular, are also important contributions to our downstream value chain – especially to our customers’ work with and support of the SDGs. Our CSR strategy includes direct support of these four SDGs:

Goal 7 - Affordable and clean energy 

Aims at ensuring that everyone has access to reliable, sustainable and modern energy
at an affordable price, which is achieved, among other things, through increasing the consumption of renewable energy as well as through increased efficiency in the consumption of energy. 



Qubicas CSR strategy and supports the SDG as we regularly calculate and report on our GHG emissions and work purposefully to reduce emissions. We focus on optimizing and reducing our energy consumption, and on working towards converting consumption to renewable and emission-reduced forms of energy. One of our focus points is the transportation and materials consumption associated with our business.


Especially SDG targets 7.2 and 7.3 are addressed.


Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth 

Aims at promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, which is achieved, among other things, by promoting productive activities that create decent jobs, creativity and development, and by creating a safe and stable working environment for all workers.


Qubicas CSR strategy and supports the SDG as we offer opportunities for employees to work on their specialties and develop professionally and by carrying out systematic assessments of the working environment and the work place as well as ensuring well-functioning work processes for following up on these assessments. We have drawn up employee policies, we offer a range of staff benefits, and the physical working environment at Qubiqa rarely causes work-related injuries.


Especially SDG targets 8.2 and 8.3 are addressed.


Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Aims at up-to-date manufacturing equipment with increased resources efficiency and adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes.


Qubicas CSR strategy and supports the SDG as we aim at finding methods for designing and manufacturing our products in a resource efficient way, which can include designing products that can be disassembled in each material fraction at end-of-life, designing high-quality products that last for many years, designing products that consume less energy during use and designing products based on transportation optimizations.


Especially SDG target 9.4 is addressed.


Goal 12 - Responsible consumption and production


Aims at ensuring sustainable consumption and forms of production, which is achieved,
among other things, by reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, reuse and recycling, performing efficient use of natural resources, communicating relevant information and awareness of sustainable development, as well as by integrating information on sustainability into the reporting cycle of the Qubiqa group.


Qubicas CSR strategy and supports the SDG as we continuously register our manufacturing materials and manufacturing waste, and optimization actions are continuously implemented. Waste fractions are sorted at the source and disposals are done according to regulations and relevant practices. We publish an annual CSR report, and we have established a model for incorporating sustainability into product design and product development.


Especially SDG targets 12.2, 12.5, and 12.6 are addressed